Are there really vampires who drink human blood? Where did this concept come from in the first place?

Are there really vampires who drink human blood? Where did this concept come from in the first place?

You must have heard stories of zombies or vampires. Many stories are told about them in movies too. Some movies in Bollywood and many movies in Hollywood have been made on them. Most people think that this is just imagination and has nothing to do with real life, But recently scientists have presented a theory which tells that vampires are not a fantasy but a reality.

Vampires really exist?

Psychologist Dr Brian Sharpless has claimed that the stories of blood-sucking vampires and vampires sucking human blood are not false . They claim that such people do exist and that they are often around us, About which we are not able to know

blood sucking disease

According to Dr. Brian Sharpless, Human wolves, Vampire, Vampire, Names like zombie may sound a bit strange but there are people who suffer from Renfield syndrome i.e. blood sucking disease . In this type of disease, the patient drinks blood for physical and mental satisfaction. The Daily Mail reports that people suffering from a rare mental disorder called clinical lycanthropy feel as if they have become vampires.. According to Dr. Brian Sharpless, he has met many people who feel that they are becoming zombies and their body is rotting from the inside .

Even when romantic, they drink their partner’s blood

Dr. Brian has written a book called Monsters on the Couch. According to him, Renfield syndrome is a disease in which a person experiences non-existent emotions in his body."s1">-They drink human blood to fulfill their nutritional needs. According to them, Such people drink their partner’s blood even when they are romantic. Apart from this, people with Cotard syndrome also start to have the illusion that they are dead and that there is no one in their body. . Sometimes they cause a lot of harm to themselves too. Brian even claimed that such people roam around in Britain but no one knows about them.      

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